Thanks for my friend Aris invite me for izzue fashion show every year, but I am sooo into my new job and didn't alert to bring digital camera!!! SO I just took few pics by my low resolution stupid mobile...hope you can stick to my words below...
In this narrow restaurant located on IFC, artists and fashion icons are just next to you everywhere and 'touchable', if you really want to.
After 2 rounds of free flowing wine and canapes, music with strong base started. All models groomed in decadent Edward scissor hands-like and marched by, the show can be divided into 3 sections:
1. Desert war- Soldiers,Taliban, wrapedaround from head to toe, military green, sand colours
2. Punk- Black & midnight blue, studs, mask, leather
3. Gothic - Black & white, bandage strap-like leather accessories(very Ann.D), lace, stripes
As a Hong Kong local brand, they're doing quite well and I can pick a lot of items from their collection. I do really think working for retail/ branding is absolutely to focus much much more on mix & match, styling, marketing(money!!).......nothing to do with me at this moment but most importantly to catch up with most up-to-date trend.
