當你還是5歲,被叫做'塞豆窿'的時候,會像這位小妹妹一樣已經成為Fashion Blogger了嗎? 樣子標緻但是否陰謀論或只是Gimmick一場? 我信Tavi有自己一套,無論你贊成與否;但這小妹妹就較難以說服.
無錯我已是5x6有多,聽到連'亞娶'都搞Blog真係激發到我:'嗱!無理由再唔做D嘢囉!' 好!就借啲椅由老虎年開始標尾會, 由我這個時裝界邊緣遊離份子和大家分享最喜愛及過癮的一切一切...
Translation ~ Happy CNY with fierce tiger! What did you do when you were 5? The sweetie in these pics called Katie, she's a 5-year-old blogger from Racked International daily started from NY fashion week this season...Unbelievable! Only gimmick or try to create the other Tavi-mania? Stay tune.
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